Waiting for the spring. Young male Black Redstart with autumn colours and first snow. Photo by Tarvo Valker |
There has been several bigger snowfalls during the day. Real winter and tough survival course for the late migrants. I go out for sitewatching at 8.20 and already before I manage to put up my scope properly I notice raptor flying over the head about 150 meters high up in the sky. Quickly I check the bird with the bins and I am amazed - late Osprey/ kalakotkas Pandion haliaeetus migrating south in heavy snowfall! Most of the Ospreys are already in Africa by now, so this is very late fellow and actually first one we have seen here on the island in October.
Me and Margus continue sitewatching for several hours, having breaks only during very heavy snowfalls when visibility is dropping to zero. We manage to see several hundred Fieldfares/ hallrästas Turdus pilaris and nearly 1,500 migrating Geese/ hani Anser species. Also 3 Hen Harriers/ välja-loorkull Circus cyaneus are migrating.
Afternoon we check local birds and take some photos of the autumn colours with the snowcover. And with several late migrants as well. Black Redstart/ must-lepalind Phoenicurus ochruros is still in good shape. Margus and Andrea re-found late Turtle Dove/ turteltuvi Streptopelia turtur nearby field station and 1 Lapland Longspur/ keltsalind Calcarius lapponicus has been seen at the beach. Winter should continue here for several days, so some other late migrants may show up now.
After the storm - lighthouse still in the same place. Photo by Tarvo Valker. |
Waiting for the Snowy Owls migration... Photo by Tarvo Valker |
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