Thursday, October 25, 2012

First snowfall!

Early morning has been rather quiet again with only some movement of Fieldfares/ hallrästas Turdus pilaris - the biggest migration flock has been 530 indviduals today. Few Razorbills/ alk Alca torda flying on the sea. Local birds nearby field station - 1cy male Black Redstart/ must-lepalind Phoenicurus ochruros (presented for almost two weeks now), 2-3 Chiffchaffs/ väike-lehelind  Phylloscopus collybita, 25 Waxwings / siidisaba Bombicylla garrulus and 1 late Barn Swallow/ suitsupääsuke Hirundo rustica.

In the afternoon first snowfall of the season has started. Winter is coming and big storm as well. According to the weather forecast, tommorrow should be stormy with a wind reaching up to 25 m/s!

The first one with the autumn colors

These berries are just a bit too laaaaarge to swallow!

The birds, snow and colours
Black Redstart with the white snowflake

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