Monday, October 29, 2012

Counting Pine Grosbeaks!

As I mentioned yesterday, now every single day there will be fewer and fewer birds. Today has been again small migration in first hour but after that very quiet. Few hundred Chaffinches/metsvint Fringilla coelebs has been the dominating migrant of the day. 
But in quiet days, often some species may have the best movement. And today this species has been Pine Grosbeak/ männileevike Pinicola enucleator! Early morning we saw with Margus a flock of 3 individuals heading to the west and later on another group of 2 Pine Grosbeaks flew to the same direction. Lets see if those 5 individuals will be our best day here on the island. Bird survey here will last until 15th of November - so there will be still chanches to get higher counts for this uncommon migrant. 
Tommorrow will be a bit stormy day, but hopefully on Wednesday we manage to do ship trip to count seabirds on offshore shoals. 


Waxwings trying to land on a rowan tree in a strong front wind.  Photo by Tarvo Valker

Pine Grosbeaks heading to the sea. Photo by Tarvo Valker

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