Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cranes and Pigeons

Northwestern wind in the morning about 7 m/s which slightly turned to southwest and increased up to 11 m/s during the day. After some quiet days, it has been again superb migration day. Cranes/ sookurg (Grus grus) flocks passed the island until afternoon - daily total 9 615 m! First flocks arrived around 8:30 a.m, which is showing that the birds have started from roosting areas in West-Estonia in first daylight.
Wood Pigeons/ kaelustuvi (Columba palumbus) also showed best migration of the autumn season - 13 680m. In late morning, passerines started more intensive migration again - Chaffinches/ metsvint (Fringilla coelebs) 31 100m (+ passeriformes 11 900m). 
Among late migrants - one Curlew/ suurkoovitaja (Numenius arquata) has been encountered on migration.


It was Eurobirdwatch day and we had nice opportunity to demonstrate the bird migration to the visitors of the island
Despite of the good numbers of migrating Cranes, only few flocks flew over the island

While in the morning the Wood Pigeons has been migrating in the higher altitudes (few flocks has been measured flying at in the 400 m altitude), the strong westerly wind in the afternoon, caused them to fly low over the sea   

The Goldcrests have visited the spit in good numbers. Many of them flew to the last trees and then discovered, that they are surrounded by stormy sea from free sides. And wind is so strong for these tiny creatures, that all the energy goes to sit tight on the tree branch

The Goldrest sitting buffed in the last tree at the end of the spit

Even flight back is risky affair, because wind can blow away!

Landmarks of the Southern tp of Kihnu with the migratory flocks of geese in the sky

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