It was so far the best and first good migration day in autumn
season of Kihnu. The last day of August have sent to the swallows a
signal for departure - Altogether over 5000 swallows has been migrating: 3341
Barn Swallows / suitsupääsuke (Hirundo
rustica) and 1681 House Martins / räästapääsuke (Delichon urbica). The raptors migration is also going up. The 74
individuals of Sparrowhawk / raudkull (Accipiter
nisus) is the best number counted and 14 migrating Kestrels / tuuletallaja
(Falco tinnunculus) is new mark as
well. The new migratory raptor is Hobby / lõopistrik (Falco subbuteo) – 3 birds have seen by Margus. Additionally small
numbers of other raptors have seen: Marsh Harrier / roo-loorkull (Circus aeruginosus) 3, Honey Buzzard /
herilaseviu (Pernis apivorus) 2,
Osprey / kalakotkas (Pandion haliaetus)
1 and mighty Peregrine Falcon / rabapistrik (Falco peregrinus) 1 individual. From long distant migrants the 2
Golden Orioles / peoleo (Oriolus oriolus)
and one Cuckoo / kägu (Cuculus canorus)
has been recorded. The several new landbird species has been appeared today – 5
Fieldfares / hallrästas (Turdus pilaris),
4 Common Crossbills / kuuse-käbilind (Loxia
curvirostra), 2 Bramblings / põhjavint (Fringila
montfringilla) and 1 Treecreeper / porr (Certhia familiaris).
From the seabirds – first 19 individuals of Scaups / merivart (Aythya marila) has been observed. The staging
Cormorants / kormoran (Phalacrocorax
carbo) are still present in good numbers 2592 ind. At the same time most of
the local terns are already gone.
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The adult male Honey Buzzard / herilaseviu in migration. /Photo M. Ellermaa/ |
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The Peregrine Falcon / rabapistrik. /Photo M.Ellermaa/ |