Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The feeding day

Third morning with the strong wind but we three spread up again in the early morning in order to continue discovering of migration patterns of seabirds.

Despite our expectations, the migration was weak today. In the western coast the number of Scoters Melanitta sp., was over seven time smaller (44 vs 350), than it was yesterday. Only the Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo had some more movement – 131 individuals have passed west coast and 125 the southern point respectively. 2 individuals of both Arctic- and Red-throated Divers Gavia arctica, G. stellata have be passed the western coast. Where was also 2 Parasitic Skua’s  Stercorarius parasiticus passing the same area – first individuals returning from Arctic breeding places.

As the storm is retreating, there are many coastal areas with thick layers of algae washed ashore. These fresh layers are always good feeding spots for waders, gulls and ducks. There are great numbers of crustacean, small fishes and other stuff trapped into this wet carpet and hungry birds cannot wait to start dining. 

The strong waves have made lots of Stickleback’s and other small fish dizzy  or got them stacked into floating algae – good prey opportunities for scavenging Black-headed Gulls and other waterbirds 

The male adult Shelducks have left his offspring  resting to the stones and came to feast with fresh seafood
The father and son in the evening light
Watch out! The sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis have diving for the fish close to Shelduck family

Way back from the west coast I have discovered the juvenile Common Buzzard laying on top of the hay bale in the nice sunshine and dreaming on the fat vole brought by parents – the breeding of the territorial buzzards is now confirmed

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